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Molly's Story Book Cover

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A Memior of Immigration and Assimilation

Molly’s story is a memoir. It is an account of a first generation who emigrated from Eastern Europe through Paris to America. We see the world, lovingly and playfully through the eyes of an innocent child, and then more reflective as an older adult. Her story is intermingled with those of her aunts and uncles who remained in Paris, and witnessed the horrors of Nazi Occupation during World War II. As Molly’s story evolves from childhood to adulthood, tragedies and secrets are revealed.

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Tante Yvonne as a child in Paris (far right).jpg


Molly’s story is my aunt’s story. Many of the names were changed as she typed it in her eighties and nineties, as she wanted to protect the privacy of those who are descendants of her original family. The events are true, nevertheless.

We see the world lovingly and playfully through the eyes of an innocent child as she witnessed her world in San Antonio, Texas, and then Chicago, Illinois. As you read Molly’s story, you can feel her carefully depicted experiences. Throughout them all, her family’s love and kindness are ever present. And my aunt’s sense of humor is evident throughout.

Jeanne Libit, publisher

—Jeanne Libit, Publisher

Molly's Story by Helen Rose Tynan

©2023 by Molly's Story by Helen Rose Tynan | Website Created By KerriganWade

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